Tonight, Friday, June 15, 2012, we showed the film Courageous as part of an effort to be more involved in our local neighborhood and community. I purchased this movie the day it was released on dvd. In praying for the proper time to show the film, our staff chose the Friday before Father's Day. This film is extremely fitting for such a holiday. It is an exemplary look at the lives of five men, four of which are police officers, who go about making a resolution to stand up for God and lead their families in a way that is pleasing to God. Particularly, this film is a call to men to be fathers of integrity who will raise their children with diligence, integrity, and godliness. It is a great film for any male, regardless of age or parental status. If any trend is going to be reversed in our culture concerning the devastating numbers of absentee fathers, men must commit to do something about it now - not later.

As the film progressed, a particular resolution was made. Here is that resolution below (click on The Resolution to view it more clearly). It is a covenant; a commitment. Who will commit?

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15


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